Valentine's Date Ideas


According to Wallet Hub, over $21.8 billion dollars will be spent on Valentine’s Day this year from cards to gifts to fancy dinners out and only 41% of people will plan something romantic at home. Being parents, it’s not always possible to take a whole night off for our relationship. Sometimes the most we get is a few hours after the kids are in bed. Add that on top of Carey’s crazy schedule and a global pandemic, there’s basically no way we can escape for a night out to celebrate. This year, and most years, it’s Valentine’s Day at home.

That doesn’t mean we can’t get creative. There are so many ways to celebrate love and strengthen your relationship without having to spend money or even leave the house. I’ve gathered up some of my favorite relationship blog posts from the past so that if you don’t have any plans yet, or want to plan a surprise date outside of Valentine’s Day, this might give you some inspiration!

Spending Valentine’s with your partner could be something as simple as taking a few minutes to reminisce over your wedding photos, watching an episode of your favorite show snuggled up together or making them pancakes in the morning! Even with the kids around, there are ways to show one another that you love them. Take a look at these blogs and then leave a comment below to let me know what your Valentine’s Day plans are!

If you are interested in how I give myself a little “self-love” and what I do for a relaxing night in, sign up for my newsletter! Coming out on Monday, only those subscribed will receive my Self Love List!

Much Love,
