Podcasts for Women in Business


23% of the Canadian population have listened to a podcast in the last week and with over 43 million podcast episodes now available, so many people are being heard. As a woman who owns a brand and a business, I’m drawn to podcasts by females who have tips, tricks and true stories about being in the business world and how we can improve our work life and ourselves. I can listen to these while I’m working, making lunch for the girls or driving in the car - they’re an easy way to stay connected. That said, I’ve gathered my current favorite female in business podcasts and listed them below in case you’re looking for something new to listen to and learn from!

This podcast provides very tactical advice from some of the smartest academics in the world. There's a lot of evidence-based research discussed on this podcast and the guests aren’t widely famous, they are just well practiced and researched in their field.


Love these two! They speak to people from pretty notable positions and dissect how they got there and what their objectives and goals are.


This isn't always business focused, but Lauryn and Michael have a tendency to always bring it back to a tidbit of something that can be valuable for an entrepreneur. They interview people from all kinds of industries and ask questions from an entrepreneurial lens.


This podcast is great for listening to interviews with boundary pushing women across so many industries. A lot of these being high level executives or founders with a lot of intel to share, even though you may not immediately recognize their names....you will now!


Jaclyn Johnson is the founder of Create & Cultivate, which is a community of like-minded women talking about how you can create the career of your dreams. She now does digital events and has a book, but the podcast is a great way to catch up on events you couldn't make it to or hear from some really prominent speakers about their unconventional paths.


Marie's main goal is wanting to help you become the person you want to be. She is the founder of B-School and interviews a variety of guests across all walks of life in an effort to educate and inform you on how to really step into the role of the person you want to be, whoever that is.


In this podcast, they speak to women who made a career change in life simply to go more in the direction of their dreams as opposed to where they felt they were supposed to be. It’s really thought provoking, even if you’re not considering a life change!


There are so many more female in business podcasts to explore, I know I’ve only hit the surface. Make sure to join in the conversation below and let me know if you’ve listened to these podcasts, which ones you liked and if there’s any more that I should be listening to!

Much Love,
