April Amazon Technology Favorites


It’s time for another monthly Amazon favorites! This month, I’m focusing on all the awesome technology products I’ve purchased and used constantly. Working from home, especially with three little kids, can be difficult when I’m trying to shoot sponsored content or attend online meetings. These Amazon products have helped with these issues and so many more!

1. Card Holder
Often times, moms have enough in their hands on the way out the door, so this eliminates the need for a full-sized wallet if you just need a few cards when you’re on the go!

2. Selfie Ring Light
Whether you need a little extra light for a meeting or are trying to get just the right amount of light for social media content, this ring light is great and really affordable!

3. Stylus Pens
I love using these during meetings to take notes on my iPad or my phone! They feel just like ink pens and my notes do not have to be transferred, they go right onto my device!

4. Webcam Covers
For anyone who is not super comfortable with a webcam facing them all day long, these covers are really inexpensive and easy to slide when you do need access to the camera.

5. Cell Phone Desk Stand
I’ve mentioned this before, but it’s so helpful when you’re working on your computer, but don’t want to miss a message or need to keep an eye on your calendar! It even has a hole in the bottom for the charging cord to go through.

6. Lamicall Phone Holder
When I’m shooting content like plated food or trying to get the perfect selfie, this phone holder is awesome! It can be connected to the counter and twists into any direction you need. I love this.

7. Camera Slider & Stabilizer
For those who are a bit more advanced with content, this stabilizer and slider is great for videos or reels. It can take a bit of practice, but produces really great results!

If you’re looking to up your content game or just want to capture some really great memories, I highly recommend these products. I’ve been having a lot of fun using them! If you try these products out, let me know what you think!

Much Love,
