Getting Active with your Kids and lululemon


It can be a challenge to fit in a workout when you are busy all day with kids, but instead of trying to squeeze it in during nap time why not get your kids to join in on the fun and get active together? It's a great way to spend quality time with your little ones and encourage them to live an active and healthy lifestyle even at a young age! Below are 5 ways you can get your workout in with your kids:


1. Go For a Walk!

If you're a parent of multiple kids, you know that the task of getting everyone ready to leave the house is a workout in and of itself. However, if you can manage to get everyone in their coats and onto the sidewalk, you can get a workout in while enjoying some quality time exploring the neighbourhood with your littles. As the kids get older, you can have them ride their bikes and jog beside them for a bit more of a workout!


2. Take a Mommy and Me Fitness Class

Or you could look for a fitness class that takes place in a park. These classes are also great for spending time with your kids while getting active and staying healthy. If you cannot find a class like this in your area, why not grab a couple of your "parent friends" and create your own class! It doesn't have to be professional to get the job done.


3. Go to the Park!

If there is a park near your house or within walking distance, walk! If you have to drive, park the car a few blocks away from the park and get in a walk or jog before getting there. At the park, DO NOT sit down on the bench (believe me, I know how tempting it can be to use this time to sit down and catch up on emails while the kids play). Instead, use the park equipment to create a fun workout for you and the kids! I always encourage a game of tag with my oldest - just a few minutes of climbing, swinging and sliding to avoid getting "tagged" and my heart rate is rising!

4. Involve Them in Your Workout Routine

When I do this, I always aim for a shorter workout - 15 minutes or so. Most kids are not going to have the attention span to last any longer before they're asking for snacks or wanting to play. I often gravitate towards the Melissa Wood videos, but you can search "15 minute workouts" on YouTube and you'll have a whole list to choose from! Some days it goes great and they're squatting right alongside me, but other days I am a human jungle gym and they are climbing all over me. However, this just adds more weight and provides a better workout for me!


5. Do Something Seasonal

Some of you may live in a place where the sun shines almost every day and getting outside is a normal part of life! However, if you live in a place where the weather gets cold or it snows, try to mix up your workouts and make sure everyone still gets a bit of fresh air. In the middle of winter, strap the babe onto your back and head into the woods for a bit of snow shoeing! If you're in the middle of a heatwave, head to the lake or public pool for a swim! There's always a way to keep moving.


By making activity a part of your family's daily routine is not only good for you and your health, but it is great for your kids! You are being a great role model and setting up great habits for their future!

To keep mama motivated to stay active every day, I have linked my favorite lululemon items. They have pretty much become my daily uniform and allow me to clean the house, run errands and head to the park without ever having to change clothes! Does anyone else live in lululemon all day, every day?


Thank you lululemon for sponsoring this post. #ad #thesweatlife 


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