Quarantine Update

angela and millie price drinking coffee in the kitchen quarantine update

I continue to get a lot of questions about how we spend our days and how we are dealing with social distancing, so I put together a little update blog post on how we have been dealing with the current situation.

We are taking self quarantine and social distancing very seriously, not only for our health, but out of respect for all the heath care workers putting themselves and their families at risk to help all of us. It just boils my blood to see people not taking it seriously - so, so disrespectful.

So, we are still hanging at home, we are so happy with our decision to come to Washington State to be with my family during all of this. We are staying in my parents’ basement (which has its own challenges, haha) and we also have my sisters family in our “isolating group”, meaning that we are the only people we all see. We limit our trips to the grocery store and we occasionally are doing take out to support some of our favorite local restaurants, but going above and beyond when we do that and not even letting the take out containers into our home. We are feeling pretty good about keeping our risk of contracting Covid-19 low.

A lot of you ask how we are filling our days and I guess we are really lucky in this area. We usually come to Washington at the end of every hockey season and spend a couple weeks with my family since we don’t see them much or at all during the winter. So this kind of feels like business as usual (though, it feels like it should be June not April). Carey and I are both huge home bodies, so not being able to get out has not been a huge deal for us. My parents have a large shop where Carey tinkers with his fishing gear and he gets out on his boat a few times a week. So he is pretty much living his normal summer life. I am trying to keep the girls on a schedule for all of our sanity. During the week we have “school” which is working out great, again, I am lucky to be around family. I am in charge of the general lesson plan, my sister is the home economics teacher, my mom is the art teacher (she has an insane craft room so this is Liv’s favorite part of the day) and then my nephew is in charge of physical activity.

After school, we go on bike rides, play outside, go to my sisters house or just hangout with the family. I am personally keeping up with my normal routine of waking up early to the read bible, trying to get daily workouts in and reading in the evening before bed. So it is really business as usual in our house and I feel like I have less free time now then I do during normal times - a lot more time spent with the kids though and a lot less time on the computer. I guess that is why you are seeing me less on social media ( I try not to be on my phone in front of the kids if I don’t have to be).

Top Questions:

Are we stuck in the US? Do we regret leaving Canada?

This questions makes me laugh a little. I think just wherever “home” is for someone is where they want to be when shit gets crazy. We say almost daily how happy we are that we came to Washington to ride this out. Because Carey and the girls are Canadian citizens and I am a permanent resident we can go back to Canada at any time, the border closure doesn’t apply to us. So, in short, we have no plans to go back to Canada until the dust settles and we are very happy with our decision to come here. A lot of you are asking how the vibe is here and to be honest it is no different then what it was in Montreal and how it seems to be everywhere else. I should note that the hard hit city in Washington is Seattle and around that area. We are on the other side of the state in a small town where case numbers seem to be similar to everywhere else.

How is Carey dealing with not playing hockey?

Right now he is okay. It feels like summer, as I mentioned above. I am sure the longer this goes the harder it will be for him.

Best chemical free hand soap?

Branch Basics!

Do the kids understand whats going on?

No, not at all. We talk to Liv about germs and the importance of hand washing, but she has no idea.

Am I scared about Covid-19?

Yes and no. It is scary that the virus reacts so differently from person to person, so lets say I got it, I should be fine, but you really never know. I am mainly concerned for our hospitals and all of our health care workers. Stay home people!!

What am I doing for workouts?

Maggie Gorges 6 week home program

I hope this answers any questions you have and gives you a little glimpse into how we are coping. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! I hope you are all staying home and staying safe so that we can continue to fight this and return to life as normal very soon.

Much Love,
