House Rules

angela price in jeans and sweater smiling

Running a household, a business and having a husband whose job has a bit of a strange schedule can be really hectic. In order to help our lives and our house run a bit smoother, Carey and I have come up with a few house rules. Today, I decided to share them with you and maybe inspire you to come up with your own list - or even take a few of mine to try out!


1. Always Make Your Bed

We have a chore chart set up for Liv with a few things such as making your bed, brushing teeth, getting dressed, and we just recently added feeding the dogs to her list. Some days are easier than others to get her to do her chores but we have a rule that she doesn't get to watch shows until all her chores are done and that usually does the trick.

2. Prepare for the Week on Sundays

I like to relax over the weekend as much as the next person, but our week runs so much more smoothly if I take Sunday to prepare. Now that we are at home all the time, the Sunday prep day is quite different. It now consists of planning each meal and snack, what activities we will be doing during the week, and prepping learning and art activities. 

3. When You’re Done, Clean it Up

This one is as important as ever! A clean, clear environment means a clean, clear mind, which is essential to keep our sanity during this time. 

4. Everyone Contributes

No exceptions. I don't care if you just played a big hockey game or if your only 1-years-old, you contribute in some way. 

5. Everyone Must Love Organization

Okay, you don't have to love it, but you have to do it! It doesn't take long to fall in love with organization. It took Carey quite a few years, but now he thrives when things are organized, and Liv has grown up to love organization as well. As long as Millie follows suit we will be good to go! 

6. Keep it Bright and Breezy

I can not stand when blinds are closed! I get pretty claustrophobic, so maybe it stems from that, but the second we are up in the morning all the blinds in the house are opened! We also make sure to open up with the windows, even if only for 10 minutes a day, every single day. Circulating the air in the home and getting in fresh air is essential to maintaining our health. 

7. Reduce Waste

We try our best not to let things go to waste in our home and it is something we are trying to teach our girls. Right now for Liv that just consists of recognizing what is to be recycled and put in the compost. 

8. Only Mom is Allowed to Be Up Before 7 am - Nap/Quiet Time is a Must

I have always been an early riser and always loved my quiet time in the mornings. Of course we go through phases in life (like with a newborn) when that’s not possible, but for the most part this is a strict rule the house follows. I get up at 6 am, drink my coffee, read the bible and then prep a few things before the girls wake up. This gets my day off to a great start.  

These rules are pretty basic, but help our house to run a lot smoother! It also helps the girls to learn a bit of responsibility as they grow. Let me know in the comments what rules your house follows!

Much Love,
