Closet Makeover with RONA

Before kids, I use to tackle a DIY project just about every time the hubby was on a road trip; now it is hard to find the time. But we had a huge unused closet in our basement that I had wanted to tackle for a couple of years now. So when I partnered with Rona for some home improvement projects, I knew this was the time to tackle that closet!

angela price in her new closet gym with rona
before the closet makeover
before the closet makeover

As you can see in the before photo, this room was used for our sauna and then pretty much a dumping ground for any random stuff we had lying around the basement.

First things first, removing the shelving and getting a nice fresh coat of paint on the walls. That was the hardest part, but I am now a pro at patching walls, thanks to a few YouTube videos and a very nice salesman at RONA! For paint colour, we just matched the colour of the rest of the house.

A shout out to my sister, who helped paint while I entertained the kids.

after the closet makeover
closet home gym angela price
towel rack
shelf in angela price’s home gym closet

Then the fun part, shopping! I spent a little time on Pinterest to get an idea of the look I was going for, there was a lot of great inspiration pictures so I headed into RONA with a good idea of what I wanted.

I needed some way to organize the hand weights and all the little stretching gadgets the hubby has scattered all over the house. I ran across a little cube bookcase and it was the perfect fit!

I knew I wanted shelving to add some decorative pieces, so I grabbed a shelf and some brackets. I finished the space off with this hook rack to hang towels near the sauna.

I am so happy with how this room came together. We took an unused closet and now have a beautiful space to stretch, practice yoga, or have a light workout and have all of our gear nicely organized.

Much Love,
