Lincoln’s 2 Month Update

byangela lincoln price 2 month newborn update schedule sleep eating tummy issues siblings

Oh little Lincoln, I cannot believe how big he is already! We have his two-week check up this week, I’m excited to see how much he has grown. If you missed his birth story you can find it here.


When Lincoln was born he had his days and nights mixed up, so I contacted WeeSleep right away to enlist their help (We used them for Millie and they were awesome). They helped get him on a schedule, which we have kept up with. It took about two weeks to really get him on track. The biggest thing was not letting him nap more than two hours during the day. We started with the Feed, Play, Sleep routine right from the start and are still doing that, ideally the schedule is nap for 2 hours, wake up, feed, play and back for another nap within an hour.


We strictly used the Snoo for the first two months, completely swaddled. Then, his tummy issues were interrupting his sleep so we thought it would be a good time to get him use to sleeping outside of the Snoo. We are kind of in the middle of that transition now, so he starts the night off in the crib in the Snuggle Me completely swaddled. We put him down for bed at 7:00PM after a night time routine. I do a dream feed around 11:00PM and he sleeps until 4:00AM, but after that his sleep isn’t great. So at 4:00AM we move him over to the Snoo for the rest of the night. We get him up at 7:00AM.

We have been really strict with putting him down awake for sleep and not letting him fall asleep in our arms or on the boob. It is something I am so happy we practiced from the start, now we put him down fully awake and he puts himself to sleep. The one thing we slacked on was the pacifier. You will read in the next section about Lincoln’s tummy issues and during this time we really relied on the pacifier, but now it’s a habit! That is something we will be working on. We are also starting to transition out of the swaddle, starting with one arm out just for the first nap of the day.


This boy loves to eat, which should be no surprise when you see how big he is! We are on a great eating schedule, every three hours or so and he is strictly breast fed. We have given him a bottle a couple times but it hasn’t been for a while and is something I really need to start doing a little more often.


Little man was quite the easy baby for the first two weeks and then we had a major shift. He was super grumpy — like really grumpy. If he wasn’t sleeping or on the boob he was probably crying. It seemed like he had tummy issues. He was not pooping much, had lots of gas and just seemed uncomfortable. We constantly joked that we hoped it was tummy issues and that it wasn’t just his demeanour. About three weeks ago, it started affecting his sleep and that was it for me, I had to do something.

When Millie was a baby she wasn’t pooping very often and after a trip to the NP we started on her on a new probiotic that solved all her problems. So, about two weeks ago I started giving it to Lincoln and I am so thankful I can say that he is now a completely different baby! I am still always surprised when I can put him down and leave him without him losing his mind! He is so happy and has turned in to an easy baby, again! The sleep is still not quite there, but every night it is getting better!


The girls absolutely love baby brother AKA mister, or mister Magoo. They love him a little too much — he hardly gets a breath in between all the snuggles and smooches, but Liv is such a huge help and really the only way I am surviving right now. She is such a little mama and it is the cutest thing. Millie adores baby brother, but I have to watch her like a hawk around baby. She can be really rough and always wants to share her snacks with him. A couple of weeks ago I looked down and she was shoving a cracker in his mouth, it just about gave me a heart attack!


Sleep is the big one on my mind. I am planning on following up with WeeSleep to get their help. I feel like we can start lengthening his awake time too, but WeeSleep will also help with schedule, so I will wait until I talk to them. We are also working on his nursery. It’s so fun to move away from the pink and add some blue!

Much Love,
