THE EDIT #1 / Walking Treadmills, Sneakers, and Learning to Read

Life’s been picking up speed over here as of late with so much happening on the Line Change side of things. I haven’t had the same time this past year to do blog posts for you but I’m still getting so many DM’s weekly about all the things you see in my stories.

So instead I wanted to try a short weekly curation of things I’m loving that week. When I feel inspired to write more, I will, but for now I think this will still allow me to connect with you all and share some of the things I’m loving that week whether that’s a podcast, a good show, a book, a household tool, or a great outfit.

We’ll try this out for a few weeks and see how it goes. Let me know if you want to see more of these and if so, what item’s you want links for!

Here’s my latest obsessions from last week.

1/ Standing Desk Treadmill