My Spring Diet Reset

The winter months are a great time to work on your kidney and bladder health, but the Spring is a great time to focus on our detox organs: the liver and gall bladder. A Spring Cleanse supports your liver in eliminating toxins that have built up over the winter months (especially the holidays!) and helps with your circulation and energy.

So many of you have asked why I do cleanses and so I wanted to share the main reasons why I choose to cleanse my body. You do not need a fancy, expensive cleanse to get the job done. Many times I feel my best just cleaning up my diet for a few weeks by avoiding gluten, dairy, sugar and alcohol!


Gluten has been known to cause irritation and damage to the gut, as well as contributing to many problems throughout the body. It can cause thyroid issues, trigger autoimmune responses and can increase leaky gut. Gluten can also cause indigestion, fatigue and brain fog which can all make you feel sluggish throughout the day.

Those with a gluten sensitivity or intolerance have seen links to chronic headaches, cancer, type 1 diabetes and increased mortality rate. Although only certain people have an extreme sensitivity or allergy to wheat, almost everyone has an immune response to it.

By cutting out gluten, even for a period of time, you may experience benefits such as:

  • higher energy levels

  • less bloating

  • better skin

  • improved joint pain


Consuming dairy has been linked to sinus problems, postnasal drop, skin breakouts, allergies, ear infections, digestive distress and constipation. Women with PCOS have often found that dairy interferes with their hormone balance, as well.

By lowering your dairy intake, or eliminating it all together, you may find you experience:

  • reduced bloating

  • balanced PH levels

  • higher energy levels

  • improved digestion

  • weight loss


Sugar is probably one of the more obvious foods to cut out during a cleanse. It is found in almost all processed foods and can cause many problems when consumed in excess.

When the sweet receptors in our brain are over-stimulated by foods that contain high amounts of sugar, our self-control is no longer regulated. In fact, sugar has been shown to surpass the desire for cocaine in lab animals.

Removing processed sugar from your diet may contribute to the following:

  • balanced blood sugar

  • reduced pathogenic bacteria in the gut

  • a stable mood

  • improved oral health

  • improved heart health


It’s common knowledge that too much alcohol isn’t good for you, but do you know what consuming it actually does inside your body? Alcohol puts strain on your liver and feeds the pathogenic bacteria that is in your gut.

When consumed in excess, alcohol can cause fat buildup, inflammation and even scarring in your liver. This will prohibit your liver from properly and naturally filtering and detoxifying your body.

By limiting your alcohol intake, or staying sober, you are not only helping your body to maintain its detoxifying system, but you may also benefit from the following:

  • lower blood sugar

  • weight loss

  • reduced headaches or heartburn

  • reduced risk of cancer or heart disease


The following are just a few more things you can do to support your body during the cleanse.

Sleep: you need to get enough sleep and you need to get quality sleep. This will help your body to rest and regain its strength for the day ahead. Sleeping allows your brain to reorganize and recharge, which includes getting rid of any toxic waste that was built up during the day.

Water: Keep filtered water with you at all times to not only quench your thirst, but to regulate your body temperature, lubricate your joints and help with the digestion and detoxification in your body.

Stay Active: We all know being active has many benefits, but during a cleanse this will help you to keep inflammation to a minimum. This will only aid in the detox and help your body to fight against disease.

Doing your own DIY cleanse will take some preparation, such as meal planning, grocery shopping and prepping, but it is well worth it. If you are not prepared for that time commitment quite yet, or you want a cleanse that really challenges you and your body, the cleanses below are ones that I have tried or heard great things about!

Kroma Cleanse 5 Day Reset ($395)
Each day of this cleanse is filled with nutrients and delivered right to your door. Each day comes with color coded sachets marked 1-9 and are filled with your 9 meals and beverages for the day. They also include OMG Butter when you need a treat. You can even make the cleanse vegan! I’ve recently done this 5 day cleanse and you can find my review below.

G.Tox 7 Day Reset ($195)
This includes seven days of plant-based protein powder, a grain-free cereal blend, a detoxifying powder, a gut microbiome powder, a dry brush and a guide for navigating the plan, which involves intermittent fasting.

Juice Cleanse
You can definitely DIY the juice cleanse, but if you want something easier and with much less clean up buying pre-made juices are the way to go. Be sure to look for organic cold pressed juices, or try the Dose Juice cleanses which I’ve done many times.


I did the Kroma 5 Day Reset two weeks ago, so I wanted to give you my honest review.

I thrive on a good cleanse or reset so I was excited to try the Kroma 5 day reset. I loved that you could make this cleanse exactly what you wanted. They send you the base of the diet, packets of bone broth, portage and different drinks and lattes but if you want more substance you can add lean protein and veggies to your bone broths. I did a little mix of the two, some days just doing the packets and other days adding salmon or grilled chicken to my dinner.

They advertise this cleanse is great for reseting your microbiome, reducing craving, boots metabolism, boost energy, promote healing, improve clarity, increase nutrient absorption, and resets habits. For me, I saw the biggest benefit in the form of a boost in my energy and definitely noticed a huge improvement in mental clarity! As for curbing cravings and reseting habits I felt like a restrictive juice cleanse gave me better results for those two things. The taste of most items were good or at least tolerable for the week. I really enjoyed their matcha, breakfast porridge and their broths. I don’t think its necessarily as great as it is hyped up to be (especially for that huge price point!), but overall I thought it was a great cleanse. It’s pretty unparalleled in terms of quality and ingredients, which was a plus.

I hope this helps answer any of the questions you had about the Kroma cleanse, or just detoxifying in general. It’s definitely something I am passionate about and have learned a lot about what works best for my body through various programs and DIY cleanses. If you have any more questions, leave them down below or let me know if you’ve tried a cleanse I didn’t list here!

Much Love,