Holiday Ready Makeup Favorites

With the holiday season just around the corner, I’m sure there are so many events filling up your calendar and whether they are casual family get togethers or office holiday parties, you’ll want to keep your face looking flawless and bright. Whether you’re looking to cover up dark circles from late night wrapping or find an eyeshadow palette that will take you from day to night, I’ve got 4 steps and so many favorites that will help you get holiday ready in no time!



Along with makeup, I get asked about makeup brushes quite a bit, but I don’t have any “go-to favorites”. The Sephora brand ones are good, so I usually start by buying a set and then purchase individual ones to fill in any holes. Here are some of my picks:



The great thing about my makeup favorites and brushes is that you don’t have to purchase it all to get a great holiday look! Pick and choose your favorites from each step and I know you’ll look great for every event on your calendar. Stay tuned to the blog for more holiday fun and ideas to get you through the season.

Much Love,