Lincoln’s 9 Month Update

Mr. Lincoln is becoming a little man!

It seems like overnight I went from having a newborn baby to this big boy. He is so much fun and is just as happy as the girls were. He loves watching his big sisters and seems to be excited to start getting into the action. He likes to be entertained, and his favorite place is in mama’s arms. The only thing he likes more than being close to mama are snacks! I can not keep up with him and his eating!! We recently switched to formula, which has helped a little bit I think. If you are going to put him down there better be a snack near by, because he is not scared to scream at the top of his lungs to let you know he is not happy. We have some big changes once we get back to Montreal, so for now we are just loving on this little man as much as possible.


Thanks to WeeSleep, Lincoln has been sleeping awesome. We have transitioned down to two naps a day, but every once in a while we will put him down for an evening cat nap. I was worried with the all the traveling we have been doing, but we just keep his bed time routine consistent and that seems to be doing the trick. When coming to the west coast we just threw him in to the new time zone, which seemed to work out great for us. I think we only had one or two early morning wakings before he got the hang of the new time zone!

He sleeps in his room, in his crib in a sleep sack and with a lovey. His room is completely blacked out and we turn on a loud sound machine. We have a nice night time and nap routine that we are consistent with. Routine and consistency is huge! We went away this past weekend, where he slept in the same room as us. We used the Slumber pod and the sound machine turned up all the way and we had no issues!


6:00am —> Wake Up and have a bottle
8:00am —> Breakfast (example would be eggs, avocado and smushed blueberries)  
9:30am —> Nap Time Routine/Down for a Nap
11:30am —> Wake Up and have a snack (maybe an apple sauce and puffs)
12:30pm —> Lunch (pureed veggie with protein) 
2:00pm —> Nap Time Routine/Down for a Nap
3:30pm —> Wake Up, Snack and Play
5:15pm —> Dinner (pureed sweet potato and a protein)
6:30pm —> Night Time Routine: bottle and down for the night

I am seeing a big difference between Lincoln and the girls. Lincoln is hitting his milestones a lot later than the girls, but is still in the normal range. He is sitting up perfectly now, but still HATES tummy time and is not too interested in crawling or moving from his spot at all. He is waving and at the beginning stages of clapping. He says dada and mama, but talks gibberish constantly! He loves to use his voice and I think he screams louder than the girls ever did. As long as you have snacks near by though, he is pretty chill.

We started solids right at 6 months. I usually make my own baby food, but with all the traveling we have been doing, I have used those baby pouches a lot. Our favorite is LOVE Child Organics. He eats constantly throughout the day. We give him 3 main meals and then lots of snacks in between. The hubby and I did a trip to NY two weeks ago for a week and I tried pumping while we were there (which I never have much success with this late into nursing), but it ended up drying up my supply. I tried to get back to nursing when I got back, but had no luck. We have now switched to formula and give him two bottles a day: one in the morning and one at night. Like the other two kiddos I give him HIPP formula, which is actually not widely available in the US or Canada, because it has not been FDA approved. It is the best I have found, so I order it from Organic’s Best online and have never had an issue getting it shipped to me.

I cannot believe that we are already 9 months in to being a family of 5 and I am still not used to it!!! I still do not feel like I have found my groove (the craziness of the last few months didn’t help) and I still constantly feel like I am just trying to figure it out and just trying to survive. I am dropping the ball constantly and brain fog/forgetfulness is at an all-time high. I’m hoping once we get settled back in Montreal for the hockey season things will fall into place.

We are heading back to Montreal soon and after the kids two week quarantine we get to start our new routine!! Liv will be at school five days a week and now Lincoln will join Millie at preschool 3 days a week! I am soooo excited for this, but also have my reservations. Of course Covid is in the back of my mind, but also just the whole idea of maybe not being ready to be away from my little man for those three days. Even though I know that I need that time away! I am sure it will take a couple weeks for us to adjust and get comfortable with our new normal.

Like I said, for now we are just enjoying Lincoln and our girls as much as possible. They never stay little for long! If you want to keep up with our growing baby boy, make sure to follow me on Instagram - he definitely appears on my feed and in my stories a lot!

Much Love,
