H&M Role Model Campaign


“Perhaps we have it all wrong, perhaps the role models the future needs are right in front of us.”

When you hear the words “role model”, what immediately comes to mind? Probably someone famous, a person who has accomplished something you admire, someone who’s experience inspires you, but most likely the person you think of is older than you.

I often hear fans of Carey say that he is their role model and kids will say they want to be just like him when they grow up. It makes me smile to see kids with a big dream and at that age, they think there is absolutely nothing standing in their way.

That said, what if we changed the way we think and began to see these children as our role models?

This way of thinking is definitely a change from the “norm”, but these kids are the future and encouraging them to step up and become role models may change the world. Kids have become more informed, engaged and capable than ever before — as adults, we need to focus on them and become inspired by the way they see and live in the world.


As part of their new campaign, H&M is encouraging these young leaders and believes that in order to progress, we need to rethink our role models. They want to share the stories of these young change makers worldwide and inspire others to do the same! Whether it’s big or small, local or global, if you are doing something good, you are a role model.

Being a mom of three means that I am raising three role models for our future. As their mama, it is my job to not only learn from them, try and view the world like them, but to also encourage them to do good, to follow their dreams, to be their authentic selves and inspire others. It’s amazing to think that my little ones, all under the age of 5, have the capacity to become role models for the world.

To introduce some of the world’s newest role models, H&M has put together a short film by Brian Buckley. You can watch the Role Models X H&M video here.

If you know a role model and you want to share their inspiring story, you can go to Role Models X H&M to nominate them and their unique story. H&M wants to share these authentic and honest stories of children around the world becoming role models and creating a better tomorrow.

So, with all of this said, when you hear the words “role model”, who do you think of now?

Thank you to H&M for sponsoring this post.

Much Love,
