Time to Bust Out the 3 B’s!

In Collaboration with WeeSleep


Ok, Moms (and Dads)! Listen Up!


It is NOT cool to say you haven’t showered in 3 days, or worn the same sweats for days, or that you haven’t slept in the same bed as your husband or partner for 6+ months. NOT COOL.

For some reason it has become almost a badge of honour to say these things when speaking about mom life.

We are superheroes. Everyone is in their own way, but motherhood is not a contest for who is most exhausted or who is busier than the other based on how much we have let go of... Don’t put on the Mama Super Hero Cape to show off or get sympathy or even a laugh. Put on the superhero cape to take control and get ahold of yourself!

Is Mom life busy? It sure is!

Is Mom life exhausting? Ummm... yes!

Is being a Mom the greatest job in the world? ABSOLUTELY!

So why wouldn’t we want to be the BEST version of ourselves as we can possibly be for our little humans that we ADORE SO MUCH?

I am here to tell you there is a way and NOW IS THE TIME to ditch the whole stereotypical attitude that being a mom means you are always tired and you basically have to let go of yourself and surrender to sweats and eating leftover Goldfishies and stop taking are of your body and health. This has become the normal mentality and starts right from when we are pregnant and hear things like “prepare to never sleep again” or “I don’t miss those days where I got zero sleep” or “get your sleep in now!”.

Self Care is NOT Selfish.

If you feel any part of you that has let things slide since baby has arrived, then I want you to hear this message as a little wake up (You can thank me later. I love wine, jujubes and Quest Bars *wink wink*).

The term “self-care” is not cool anymore and so not hip... but there isn’t a better word that I have found. It entails a whole bunch of things and I could give you a list of 30 things you could do for yourself today, but let’s be real, you would stop reading after 4 and call it a day. A laundry list is not realistic (and we do enough laundry!). If I can share my TOP 3 things that will seriously shift you physically, emotionally and mentally, then this brings me joy, because I know this will hit home for a lot of you!

These are my TOP 3 that you 100% NEED to do for YOURSELF and your family TODAY!


  1. GET IN YOUR BED and get a minimum of 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT. 8-9 hours is more ideal, but hey, baby steps (and if you say that your child doesn’t sleep... well... there is a fix for that!).

  2. BLOCK 1 HOUR for YOU time. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Take that time to get some physical exercise. Go for a walk or do a workout. Maybe you’ll take a bath, paint your toes, do a yoga class and have a tea after (or wine! That’s more fun!). Whatever you do, it has to be for you and your body with the goal being exercise and some pampering! You may have to do this before your little one’s wake or after they are in bed, but trust me. Maybe it is 30 minutes of exercise in the AM and 30 minutes of self care at night. Like Nike says - Just Do It.

  3. BOOST YOUR BRAIN. Pick up that book you started a year ago, actually use the meditation app you pay for every month or pick up that journal. Write down what you are grateful for, what your goals are for the next 6 months - personal and professional. Just write. Have fun and enjoy the time! It’s amazing how we shift a little just by writing or doodling!

So back to sleep and WHY this is what you absolutely MUST change first. Without it, you will have a hard time committing to the others.

Lack of sleep is linked to so many maladies both physical and psychological. We now know that a rested person is a healthy person. More so, a rested parent is a better parent. Here are four ways sleep helps you parent better.

  1. Increased Energy

    Every parent wishes that they could match the energy level of their child. Those energizer bunny toddlers are the worst! Sleep restores energy. During high-quality sleep, your body restores many functions it calls on during daily life, such as temperature regulation, a strong immune system, steady hormone levels, and good appetite. All of these factors play a role in how much energy you have.

  2. Better Mental Health

    Being a good parent means catering to your mental health. Developing good sleeping habits is crucial for this. Mental health issues of depression and anxiety disorders are exacerbated by poor sleep. Many parents are living with mental health challenges. An important part of coping and staying healthy is getting enough sleep.

  3. Increased Patience and Tolerance

    No one likes a cranky, sleep deprived toddler. Put the shoe on the other foot. Who wants to deal with an irritable, sleep deprived parent? It’s a well-documented fact that lack of sleep increases irritability. As adults, we may not have tantrums, but lack of sleep will make us impatient and intolerant. More than half of our jobs as parents involves being patient and putting others first. That becomes even more difficult when you lack sleep.

  4. Better Overall Health

    Healthy and happy parents raise healthy and happy children. Well rested parents are healthy parents. Getting consistent good sleep is linked to a reduction in chronic diseases, improved social interactions, improved immune functions and better concentration. There are no negatives to sleeping well.

In our quest to be the best parents, and ultimately providing the best for our children, we need to remember that maintaining optimal health is part of that. With that in mind, there’s no such thing as a healthy parent who doesn’t sleep.

Goodbye to the days where we put ourselves on “hold”, Mama!

It’s time to get healthier all around for YOU and so you can be the best parent you can be!

Sweet Dreams!

WeeSleep gives exhausted parents around the globe the gift of healthy, restorative sleep. Through a network of Certified Infant & Toddler Sleep Consultants, WeeSleep provides one-on-one sleep coaching and support personalized to the needs of each client, turning their little one into an independent sleeper that’s able to rest soundly through the night in as little as 10 days.

To learn more about WeeSleep, and to book a FREE 15-minute sleep consultation, visit www.wee-sleep.com