5 Great Ways to Start Your New Year

2022 is in two days!

2021 has been one of the hardest years yet and I KNOW 2022 is going to be better. To make the best of it and kick things off in a great way, take a little time between Christmas and the New Year to get organized and plan for the upcoming months. This has nothing to do with New Years resolutions, this is more of setting yourself up for success, regardless of the resolution. So, I’m sharing my top 5 things I like to do to kick off the New Year!


I leave the junk drawer cleaning for springtime, but this time of year I love to declutter my virtual space. I go through my inbox and tie up any loose ends: file away emails, delete anything unnecessary and do everything I can to clear out my inbox completely. I also use this time to unsubscribe from anything I may not find useful anymore. This is a great time, because so many companies are sending out their holiday emails, so you can go through and get them all out of your inbox in one go. Then, of course, there’s the task of cleaning up my desktop. This is always key to making me feel organized. A few months ago, I shared my secret to keeping my desktop organized with my newsletter subscribers - my personal desktop organizer! If you missed it, you can find it HERE.


This time of year I like to plan to plan! This means I purchase a new planner, new notebooks, anything that will keep me organized and motivated for the New Year.

These are my recent purchases:


Design Love Planner || Planner Stickers || Coloured Tape || Hand Lettering Pens || Pastel Highlighters || Friends Notebooks

3.Plan for your health!

For me, this means making sure I am stocked up on everything that I rely on to stay healthy. I place an order for my vitamins (Organifi), update my DOSE subscription and figure out when I can set time aside for my workouts.

4.Don't forget about your mental health

This one is new for me, but I am realizing just how important it is! I purchased the 5 minute journal (link) that I plan on using every morning and every night. I already have weekly therapy sessions scheduled for the upcoming months and hope to add some sort of meditation into my routine.

5.Get motivated.

Some years this means buying new work out gear, a new kitchen gadget to help me stay healthy like the Almond Cow or the Berkey. This year I have taken to reading! I am currently reading Atomic Habits which I am loving.

These are just a few simple ways I can make sure I ring in the New Year with a plan in place to be my best self. Like I said, 2022 is going to be a great year and I’m going to do everything I can to make sure it stays that way. Let me know what you’re doing to prepare yourself for the best year yet!

Much Love,