28 Week Bump Update

angela price bump update 28 weeks baby 3 RV

Oh my gosh, it is insane how much this little baby (and by baby I mean my bump) has grown in just 8 short weeks!

How Far Along? 28 weeks

Sex: We are holding strong and not finding out.

Food Cravings: Cravings have kind of fizzled out. I still, for sure, want carbs more often than normal, but overall I am back to my normal eating habits.

Missing: I am not one who really follows the rules on what not to eat or drink while pregnant. So, I guess I miss having a cold beer, but other than that if I want it, I have it. I do miss not being pregnant in the summer though, haha! The heat here in Washington is NO JOKE. It has been at least 10 years since I have spent a summer here and Canada has softened me, like a lot. I am a little puss when it comes to anything above 90 degrees.

Symptoms: Heart burn city over here! It has actually been getting better these last couple weeks, but it was really bad, the worst of all my pregnancies by far. My body hurts a lot more time this time around, maybe that is because I am not taking as good of care of myself this time though. The lower back pain is pretty intense. I am starting to see a chiropractor this week actually (had been putting it off because of Covid, but I hit my breaking point). Kind of a bummer, because with my last two pregnancies I felt amazing during my second trimester, but overall everything is good. The baby and I are healthy, so that is what matters.

Weight Gain: Haha, I am avoiding the scale! However, the girls have this little picnic table that I usually can sit on one side no problem, but now when I sit it is becoming a balancing act to not tip the entire table up.

Difference in Pregnancies: I think the biggest difference is my mind set. The first pregnancy I was constantly checking my WTE (What to Expect) app to see what size the baby was, looking up different symptoms, taking updated bump photos, tracking my weight gain and cravings. This time around I don’t think I have taken a single bump photo and I have no idea what vegetable the baby is resembling this week.

Preventing Stretch Marks: During my last two pregnancies, I used Honest brand belly balm 3 - 4 times a week and it worked great. So, I have been doing the same thing this time around.

Maternity Clothes: Not really an option at this point. I put in an order to Yo Mama Maternity for some awesome basics. My favorite pieces being this Legoe Heritage dress (in the picture), Ripe Maternity shorts, a Ripe Maternity white tee and Legoe Heritage sweats. I have also ordered a few things off of Amazon and most things have been a bust, but I do love these yoga shorts and this little dress has been amazing for summer. It is kind of like a water wicking material so perfect when the kids are in the pool and getting me wet.

Ohh and I wear this nighty just about every night, probably will order a back up. It is so soft, breathable and comfortable, I love it!

Sleep Pattern: Sleep has been pretty good, cannot complain. I have been using Beauty from Bees Muscle mend on my lower back before bed, which helps me get comfortable.

Health: Baby and I have been healthy and happy, thank goodness! We are still being very cautious about Covid and I pretty much only leave the house to get food or the very occasional run to Target. I did take Liv to a little birthday party last weekend, which I considered a mental health day for Liv. She needed to get out and see some kids and I am very happy I took her. She was constantly saying it was the best day ever. A couple people noticed that I went to an ultrasound at 20 weeks and again at 24 weeks (good catch!) and that was for two reasons: in the 20 week ultrasound they saw fluid in the kidney and wanted to see if the baby would pee it out, which it did! Then, there were a few pictures/measurements they couldn’t get the first time, because of the way the baby was positioned. So nothing to be worried about!

Preparations: Ugh, it sucks not being in our own home, because the nesting phase has definitely already hit! I am just taking all that energy and putting it into the RV remodel. It looks like we will be delivering in Washington, so I will have Carey pack up a few of our newborn essentials in Montreal and send them over to help us be prepared. I didn’t buy a Snoo with Millie, but my girlfriend let me borrow hers and I really liked it, so I am thinking about buying it this time around. That would be the only real purchase I need to make, because we have everything else.

Exercise: To be honest, I have not worked out once since we started renovating the RV. Every spare minute has been spent out there. Since we have kind of been at a stand still with that (waiting on flooring, and heat wave after heat wave) I really don’t have an excuse and I need to get back at it.

That is where I’m at in my third pregnancy so far! It’s hard to believe we are well over half way to meeting our new little family member! I am really thankful to be feeling so good and healthy. If you have any products you loved in the last half of your pregnancy, I’d love to know! Leave them in the comments below.

Much Love,