All Natural Easter Egg Dying

If you have ever wanted to try dying eggs naturally, this year is the time to do it! I’ll admit, it’s time consuming, but so rewarding and fun for the whole family! So, if you’re looking for a fun Easter activity, why not give it a go?


  1. Mix 2 cups of water with 1 Tbsp white vinegar and bring to a boil.

  2. Add a cup of whatever you are you using as dye. For example, 1 cup of chopped beets.

  3. Let simmer on the stove for 10 minutes.

  4. Strain the liquid in to a cup.

  5. Place egg in liquid mixture - the longer you leave it in, the deeper the color tone.

The time consuming part is letting each color simmer for 10 minutes. Luckily, we had 4 small pans, so we were able to have four colors going at once which saved on time. My first thought was to just use one color and let each egg sit for a different time period, so you could have a beautiful variety of blues or pinks, so that can be option if you don’t want to cook up so many colors.

We did this with what we had around the house, but Pinterest is full of different natural products to use for dying eggs. You can check some of them out on my Activities for Kids board on Pinterest.

We had so much fun doing this with the kids and they will look great decorating the house for Easter this weekend! If you try it out, or have any other natural dye ideas, let’s talk about it in the comments below!

Much Love,
