April Amazon Favorites

angela price april amazon favorites

Another month is just about over, which means another roundup of my favorite Amazon products! The sun is finally beginning to shine and spring is here, so we have been spending a lot of time outside biking, relaxing in the backyard and playing with the kids. Most of my picks this month have to do with spring/summer and I hope you get as much enjoyment out of them as we have!

1. Bike Trailer

This one felt like a risky purchase to me. Bike trailers can be super expensive, but we wanted one to use at my parents house while we are staying here and didn’t want it to be a huge investment. I found this one on Amazon, decided to give it a go and we are pleasantly surprised by it. Carey jokes that I bought because its white and black, and while that is true, it also had pretty good reviews and a great price point. We have been using ours daily since it has arrived! We are not taking it on any cray bike rides, but its been great for the neighborhood bike rides we have been going on. It is not in stock on Amazon right now, but the brand’s website has it on sale! (here’s another option)

2. Kodak Mobile Film Scanner

My sister had the goal of going through her pictures and getting them all organized during this time, while we are stuck at home. She had a huge stack of negatives, so we bought this and OMG did we have so much fun going through old photos! You are able to magnify the negative and the get the picture directly on your phone. There were so many photos we hadn’t seen decades - we loved this product!

We are on a sun tea kick at our house. So the next few products are for that: glass bottles to leave outside in the sun with the tea in it and then the honey sweeter, which makes it feel like such a treat - so good!

3. Glass Bottles

4. Honey Sweetener

5. Green Tea

6. Skirt

This was such a random purchase, but ended up being a good one! The skirt is not super high quality, but it’s cute, flirty and will be perfect for the summer. Why not for that price!?

7. Face Steamer

You have probably seen me raving about this on my Instagram, but it is just so good. I especially love using it before I apply my makeup.

If you try out any of these products, let me know what you think! I am really happy we’ve added them to our daily lives and cannot wait to make some more sun tea and enjoy it in the backyard with my family! I hope you’re all enjoying the sunshine, staying healthy and safe!

Much Love,
