Recent Children’s Book Roundup

Lately, we’ve been in need of some new books to mix things up on our bookshelf, plus I wanted to grab a few that fit better with Liv’s age group. There are a lot of books available right now for Black History Month, but I like to think of it more as “American History” and believe it should be a topic of discussion all year round. That said, I do take this month as a reminder to purchase books that celebrate diversity and add them to our collection.

One of the books we added is called “Let the Children March and we read it for the first time just the other night. Liv began to ask some really great questions, so I’m sure this book (and hopefully some of the others!) will continue to lead us into some very important conversations.

Below are the other books we recently added with a main theme of diversity:

Every Little Thing (by Bob Marley!) // We’re All Wonders // We Are Water Protectors //
Let the Children March // Jabari Jumps // One and Only Bob // Fry Bread

**Stay tuned to the blog for Carey’s family fry bread recipe - I will be sharing it next week!

I also wanted to list some of our favorites that you can always find on the kids’ bookshelf:

Do Cows Meow? // The Pout Pout Fish // Little Blue Truck //
Rhyming Dust Bunnies // God Made All of Me // Don’t Call Me Bear

There are a few special books and series I wanted to highlight, as they are perfect for gifts:

The Very Sleepy Bear by Nick Bland
We love this entire series! I think we may have every single one of them.

Where the Sidewalk Ends
This was one of my favorite books as a kid and Liv is finally at the age where she can get into it. It’s very nostalgic for us to read together.

Wonderbly Books
The kids got personalized books from their Aunty Kayla for Christmas and absolutely love them. It’s such a special gift for any child and can help them learn really important things like animals and how to spell their names! Liv is a huge fan of here book “Where Are You Liv Price?”

Invisible Leash
This was gifted to us after our pups passed and I think it is an excellent book for any kids who have recently lost a pet. Sometimes, it’s easier to explain things in the form of a story, so I highly recommend this!

I’d love to know what books your kids love and if you celebrate diversity with any books or toys. I think it’s so important for our uniqueness to be a part of our everyday lives in toys, movies, books, etc. I’m trying to be really conscious when I purchase things for the kids and am always looking for ideas!

Much Love,