Kelowna House Update

There is not a lot to report on here, but I keep getting asked so wanted to give you guys an update. We were originally going to move in to June but that date has been pushed to the fall. We are super bummed to be “homeless” again this summer and I would say the honey moon phase of the home remodel is over. But we are excited to see things take shape and it will be nice to be able to pop in during the summer as things come together to make suer we are liking everything and to be able to see things in person!

If you want to read up on what has happened at our Kelowna home so far, you can check out my past blogposts:

Life Update & House Renovation

Kelowna House Update

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I have linked them before, but just incase you are interested, this is the team we have been working with:

Interior Designer / Project Manager : Kyla Ray Creative

General Contractor : Vertical Grain

Landscape Architect: Alexander Suvajac

Architect: Ron Hart Architecture

As usual, if you have any questions, let me know! I will keep you updated and hopefully next time I’ll have more interesting and complete pictures to show! We’re so anxious to see our Kelowna home really come together.

Much Love,
