Butternut Squash Mac & Cheese

Happy Halloween guys! Hope everyone had a great time celebrating over the weekend. We don't usually get too crazy for Halloween. We will take Liv trick or treating, even though we won't let her eat the candy, haha.  I guess mom and dad will have to help her with that! But if you are staying in tonight here is a great comfort food recipe with a healthy twist! 

butternut squash mac and cheese in a bowl


couple of weeks ago I posted this on Instagram stories, and I got so many requests for the recipe that I thought I better just post it on the blog. A lot of other butternut squash mac and cheese recipes I have come across require so many ingredients. This is a super simple recipe and doesn't really require much. 

1 butternut squash
3 cups pasta
1 cup cheese of your choice
1/2 cup broth (again, your choice. I used vegetable broth)
3/4 cup milk
2 Tbsp butter
1 tsp paprika
salt and pepper to taste

Cut butternut squash in half. Place in a casserole dish filled with some water, so it comes up about half an inch in the casserole dish. 
Roast on 400 degrees for about an hour or until tender. 

Cook pasta according to the directions. 

Gut the butternut squash and put the inside into a high powered blender. Add the broth, milk, butter, and seasoning. Blend until smooth. 

Pour the butternut squash over the pasta and add the cheese and mix well with a spatula. 

And that's it! Super easy. You can add more salt and pepper to taste and also garnish with parsley. 
*This time around I added broccoli. I just steamed the broccoli on it's own and added it to the pasta at the end. 


Much Love,
