Summer Hockey Series: Q&A with Aryne Tavares

angela price summer hockey series aryne john tavares

I am so excited for this weeks Summer Hockey Series with Aryne Tavares. I run in to Aryne quite a bit at different hockey events or award shows, but I really got to know her during the 2014 Winter Olympics where both of our hubbies competed for (and won) Gold! I was taken aback with how down to earth and genuine she was, as you will see when you read this blog post. She is just as sweet and kind in person as she comes across in this interview.

Hockey in the summer!! What does this look like for you and your family? If you are living in the city with your bf/hubby is there is certain rules the team is recommending? When the guys head to hub cities what will you be doing?

I never in my wildest dreams ever thought hockey would go past June Stanley cup finals, but here we are! We are currently in Toronto, at our home, waiting for the teams to be put into their little bubbles after training camp. We have been going up to our cottage in Muskoka the past few weekends trying to get all moved in and situated there, as we just finished construction in June! When John heads to the hotel about 5 minutes down the street from us, (if this remains the plan) myself, Jace and the pups will be spending time between Toronto and Muskoka. Until John goes to the hub bubble, we are only seeing immediate family members and doing essential things to help reduce the risk of him contracting Covid! Amazon is my best friend - thanks Amazon for saving me! I’m still on maternity leave here in Canada, so I am able to spend lots of time with Jace- even more important now that baby #2 is on the way! 


Is there something you look forward to when the guys are gone? (for example less cooking, having the bed to yourself, etc.)

My husband is a CLEAN eater - as clean as it gets (literally even cleaner than you can possibly think) so I sneak a treat here and there when he hits the road! Sugar is my best friend, so candy is often brought into the house when he steps out! He also practically lives in the dark, so when he’s on the road my entire house is lit with lights - something so small, but makes me happy! 

We potentially have a fall season with no hockey, any plans?

We plan on spending it up in Muskoka at the cottage! Jace turns 1 in September, John could potentially miss his first birthday, so we may have to celebrate it a month late! Outdoor fires during the fall sound amazing - something we wouldn’t otherwise have been able to experience! Muskoka is beautiful once the trees all start changing colors, so it will be beautiful up there! And by then, things should be pretty much set up when it comes to everything at the cottage!

What is your favorite part of quarantine with your boyfriend/hubby?

Having him home to experience all of Jace’s firsts thus far - something he may never be able to witness with the next kids! Jace has been spoiled to be able to see him so much: daily baths and walks with dad, story time, play time - it’s been the best!  I have also been spoiled. My husband LOVES to cook, so I have been getting delicious meals pretty much all of quarantine -except when I was struggling with food aversions early on. He does all our laundry (mine, Jace’s and his) - I told you I AM SPOILED! 

What is your least favorite part of quarantine?

I can’t complain, as we and our families have been extremely lucky and have not been affected health wise by Covid. The only real negative part has been not being able to see extended family and friends, especially those with young babies. Jace hasn’t seen another baby or child in 4 months which is so sad to think about. Before quarantine he was in swimming lessons, music lessons and always had play dates lined up! Kids learn from kids and right now I’m his sole teacher LOL. 

What is your favorite hockey memory?

Would have to be between Spengler Cup in Davos, Switzerland and John playing in Bern, Switzerland during the lock out! The Spengler cup was amazing and the town was absolutely beautiful over Christmastime! It was like a fairy tale going up the mountains in the gondola to snowboard down or taking a sleigh up the mountains with horses. Bern, Switzerland was a beautiful place and experiencing their hockey club there was something I had never seen before! The passion behind the fans, no matter the score, was absolutely exhilarating! They LOVED their team! I was lucky enough to visit twice - a 4 day weekend where I spend most of the time jet legged and then 3 weeks over Christmas break while I was still completing my masters Degree. 

If you have 30 minutes free, what can I find you doing?

Likely browsing Instagram or something on my phone. So bad I know, but that’s how everyone communicates these days, so that’s how I stay up to date ! If I’m not on the gram, I’m in my photos looking at Jace. 

What’s the best piece of advice you have received?

How someone treats you is often a reflection of how they feel about themselves. I never really understood this until I fell victim to it multiple times when I couldn’t figure out what I was doing wrong. It’s easy to take things personally when someone is lashing out. Instead of getting your back up and adding to the situation, show this poor soul some love and compassion. Sometimes a good hug is all someone needs! This world can never have enough love! 

Name 5 Things you are loving right now.

Morning walks with Jace and the 2 pups

Spending time at the cottage 

Watching Jace discover something new daily/weekly

Not wearing makeup

The warm weather we are having - I love the heat

Where can we find you? Any social media handles, or any initiatives you want to support/promote?

I’m pretty private on social media however you can follow along at the John Tavares Foundation, which was just launched on social media. We hope to make a difference in the community and help children become their best self with the most potential! This has been years in the making so it’s been so exciting to finally get it off the ground and get the ball rolling! 

Much Love,