Keeping Your Body Hydrated During the Winter

Earlier this week I did a blog post about face products that protect against the winter weather, but a lot of you asked what we use to keep the rest of the body hydrated. So, I thought I should do a post about that and keep this "self-care" theme I have going on this month. 

angela price in pyjamas putting on goldbond lotion
liv anniston price getting goldbond lotion put on her hand

During the winter, your two most important products are your body wash and your body lotion. I tend to recommend a more gentle body wash, then I go a little more heavy duty with the lotion and use Gold Bond Eczema Cream or Lotion. 

Tips for dry, winter skin:
1. Keep your showers short. I love a nice long, hot shower just as much as the next person, but it's not doing your skin any favour. It strips the skin of its natural oils which acts as a barrier, protecting your skin. 
2. Pat dry.  When you get out of the shower, don't rub your skin completely dry with a towel. Gently pat dry and then apply your lotion when your skin is still a little damp. This helps your skin absorb the moisture. 
3. Use a humidifier and drink lots of water. 
4. Most importantly, upgrade your moisturizer and use it often! I use Gold Bond’s Eczema Relief Lotion right when I get out of the shower and even once more at night during the winter. This helps protect my skin from itchiness, dryness, rashes, roughness, and irritation. 

liv anniston rubbing goldbond lotion into mom angela price’s arm

Both the Gold Bond Eczema Lotion and Cream are dermatologist tested, steroid-free, fragrance-free and hypoallergenic. You can find these products at most major drugstores and are reasonably priced at $13.99 and $18.99. 

Thank you Gold Bond for sponsoring this post. Though this post is sponsored, all opinions are my own.

Much Love,
