30 Week Bump Update

angela price baby bump update 30 weeks

How Far along: 30 weeks

Sex: Can not wait to find out in just 11 short weeks!! For all of you asking we still have not narrowed it down on any baby names...I don't think we will until we see baby P's face for the first time. 


  • Gotta Have: Fresh juices, bananas and peanut butter, chocolate almond milk

  • Keep it Away: I am not turning down much these days haha

Missing: Being able to stay awake during the day and sleep through the night (insert yawn here).

Symptoms: I am still feeling really good just minor annoyances really... Heartburn is definitely  turned up a notch, constantly feeling stuffed up and congested, so so tired, and just uncomfortable staying in one position too long. 

Weight gain: 25 pounds!!  

Stretch marks: Luckily still none...so far. I have been using Marcelle products from Thyme Maternity some days and then the honest companies 'Belly Balm' at night. 

Maternity clothes: Bring them on! I am still wearing a lot of pre pregnancy clothes though, I have a couple of my "fat jeans" that are still comfortable enough to wear with just the rubber band trick. I have recently discovered Yo Mama Maternity  which is making finding stylish maternity clothing so so much easier!! I am wearing the Seraphine Shift Dress in the picture above. ( Necklace is from The Right Hand Gal )

Sleep: Ugh...hit and miss. Up all night due to either being uncomfortable, the baby kicking or having to run to the restroom. I don't think I could live with out my pregnancy pillow though! 

reparations: Really starting to make head way on the nurseries, reading baby books like crazy and soaking up all the alone time with the hubs that I can. 

Looking forward to: I am heading to our home in Kelowna soon to get the baby room up and running there! 

Exercise:  Still making it to the gym a few times a week.  Cardio is strictly the bike, stair stepper or elliptical with a few dog walks tossed in there. Doing weight lifting twice a week and kick boxing once a week. Everything I hear says that delivery and recovery will be a lot easier if I keep up my workout routine so that has been pretty good motivation to keep moving. 

On My Mind: This belly is going to get bigger?!?! I am feeling huge and can't imagine my belly (or the girls for that matter) getting any bigger!! A little panic is starting to set in now too to get everything ready for the baby Prices arrival. 

Lots of Love, 

Lifestyle, FamilyAngela Price